Ultima modifica: 26 Aprile 2017


Istituto Andrea Mantegna is a large vocational school for catering, hospitality and tourism, with about 1450 students, 190 teachers and 50 employers.
In order to offer young people an actual job opportunity, the upper secondary school Andrea Mantegna proposes different paths:
– Five years vocational school;
– Five years technical school;
– Three years vocational training;
– Three years evening vocational training.
The five year vocational school is divided, after two common years, into Food & Beverage, Hospitality and Catering (cookery and pastry making); in addition to the subjects of their specific path (seven hours a week in the laboratory) , students study foreign languages – English, German, French and Spanish-,Italian, History, Business Economics, Mathematics, Science, Religion, Physical Education, Physics, Chemistry, Food Science.

The five year- technical secondary school is for tourism; students study foreign languages – English, German, French and Spanish- , Italian, History, Geography, Business Economics, Mathematics, Science, Religion, Physical Education, Physics, Chemistry, Tourism, Computer Science, Political Science, Art History.

The three years vocational school is divided into Catering, Food & Beverage and Pastry/Bread Making; in addition to the subjects of their specific path (sixteen hours a week in the laboratory), students study foreign languages – English, German or French- , Italian, history, economics, mathematics, religion, physical education, food science.

The school has about 85 students with special needs or disability, 150 from different countries, to whom are offered additional Italian courses to compensate their weaknesses and to simplify their integration.

English and French courses are also offered to all students during the year, with the goal to acquire a foreign language certificate (FIRST CERTIFICATE – DELF) due to the importance sustained by the school to create European citizens.
Language courses with mother tongue teachers are organized for students and for teachers too, to encourage students to work in an European background and to support teachers to get a European certification to teach in the CLIL (content and language integrated learning) framework.

School trips in European countries are organized, in addiction to two/three weeks work – based learning in France, stages in France, Spain and Ireland, work-related learning project to give trainers and trainees the opportunity to travel and work to the partner countries.
Foreign university students are even hosted thanks to the project AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales).

Istituto Andrea Mantegn has a great experience of cooperation with training enterprises. The school is the leading figure for work-related learning with regional projects in Brescia. The Italian Ministry of Education asked the school to organize courses for teachers and for students to share the competences.

In 2016 Istituto Andrea Mantegna received the plaque and the title of “Ambassador School of European Parliament”. Activities coordinated by teachers (senior ambassadors) and students (junior ambassadors) are planned. There is an info point dedicated to Europe and its institutions with brochures, web site, social networks.
Activities about UE legislation are carried on in order to make students aware that they are European citizens; the high commitment of the teachers to the topic of Europe has a very positive effect on the educational offer to students.